Here I sit, two days after Christmas realizing that I haven’t updated the blog in a while, I haven’t downloaded pictures from my camera to my computer in ages, not to mention the checkbook that never gets balanced and the laundry that never ends…
So, like a Mother should, my first priority is Leah. She is currently napping, which mean catching up on other things. The blog, and getting pictures of her off my camera and onto the computer is top priority. I have this fear that my child will grow up with a lack of photos of her when she was little all because her mom was too busy doing other things and never printed them out. Of course, in this day and age it isn’t easy – like taking your roll of film to Walgreens and its done. Maybe you get them in an album, maybe not, but at least you have them. Now, your expected to update your facebook with all the photos for family and friends to see, update the blog, get them on, order them, burn them to a CD so you have them forever and ever (or until CD’s become obsolete), and then, pick the printed copies up from the store, and get them labeled and into an album. WHO has time for all that? Good LORD. Although this all may be great it is so very time consuming for me. And all on a time constraint, since Leah’s naptime is coming to an end…
So, in hast you get the short version of what I have missed since the last update…
Well, I only have photos from the Tebbe’s Thanksgiving. Our little girl began getting her first tooth that evening. So, about 4pm, after I tried to get her 2 naps in and rest myself so we could make BOTH families, the night came to a screeching halt when Leah came down with a fever of 100.7 and cried and cried out of nowhere. Turns out she was in pain from that poor tooth trying to break its way up from the gums. About a week later, on December 1st her first tooth appeared.
Leah with Cousin Casey
Leah and Mommy
Lunch time
Leah with NeeNee
Leah with Aunt Debbie
Leah with Mommy
Rick taking over cooking
Lets See, after that we went and got a Christmas Tree.
After much debate, Rick won. A LIVE tree it was. And larger then I was envisioning too (with a crawling baby in the house, I envisioned all sorts of terrible things).
By the way, its a Ted Drewes Tree from Nova Scotia, and only $40.o0 (which really surprised me).
Then, Leah turned 9 MONTHS OLD this month.
Her 9 month photos:
Then we got ready for Christmas with at-home Christmas photos and a Christmas Card to all.
Then ALLLLLLL the Holiday Festivities.
Christmas Party at out friends house the Monday before Christmas:
Christmas Eve with the Sagez side:
Leah with Dale and Great Grandma
Leah with Jan
Leah with Great Aunt Donna
Grandpa, Leah and Uncle Jon
Christmas morning at home opening presents:
Pre Tebbe House Siesta:
Tebbe House Christmas Luncheon:
The Tebbe Family Photo
And last, the Meyer Family Christmas Day Dinner:
Cathy and Leah
Crawling, and crawling, and crawling
Leah on her new toy from Uncle Jon
Leah and Beena
Dad with Riona
Leah and Grandma laughing at Cathy
Cathy, Leah and Leah’s Grandpa playing quietly
OOoooo – so, after reliving all of that again I seem to have wore myself out.
Hopefully I’ll get a chance to post New Years Eve / Day photos. Then, as of January 4th, 2010 - its back to work FULL TIME for Momma Jackie. I am not sure how successful I will be, but it is worth a shot. Here at the Tebbe house we are looking forward to a 2010 with quite a few VACATIONS.