Due to the request to get the birthday pictures up (Jan), here they are!
Our baby turned one this month, and what a month it was!
Leah pretty much got her 2 front teeth for Chrtistmas (bottom) (2009) and 2 more teeth for her Birthday (two MORE on the bottom) (2010). That is a total of 6 teeth (two on top and four on bottom). And what comes with having teeth? The responsibility to CLEAN them of course. So, you can find Mamma and Leah in the bathroom everynight before bed giving them a good brushing. She loves her tooth brush and gets sooooo excited when I put the paste on the brush. Leah opens her mouth up nice and WIDE and brush brush brush, with a little playing around too of course.
As any birthday should be, it was a week long ordeal. The weekend before her birthday we went to the St. Louis Zoo. It was fun, but again, we were caught in the rain. 2 out of 2 trips to the zoo in the rain. Not great. But she got to see lots of animals and it was nice to get out on such a wonderful day. She even got to ride the train at the zoo - thanks to our AWESOME Zoo membership from Great Aunt Joanie and Uncle Joe!
Then, on her actual birthday she got to open presents from Mom and Dad.
We went to Pueblo Solis on March 9, 2010 to celebrate on the actual day of her birthday. It was very nice, and all the staff came to wish her a happy 1st birthday too! (If you dont know, Pueblo is the place Rick and I have been going to almost every week since we started dating 7 years ago) So, needless to say, they all know us, and were happy to sing to the birthday girl!
and deeper....
All the presents
MONEY! (Leah has a fat piggy bank after this party)
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