Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Leah turns 3 months old today!

My baby is 3 months old today!

Today Leah turns 3 months old!

Leah is growing so fast. The developmental milestones this month are incredible. Leah is holding her head up, trying to pull herself up when she is in the reclined position. She is holding her toys and blankets and watching as those tiny hand move everything around. She loves to hold onto her blankies and pull them up to her eyes to look at the different patterns. Of course she discovered her hands and fingers and how well they fit in her mouth. Leah loves getting those fingers in her mouth. It is funny when she is sucking on her hand and uses the otherone to help get the first one in further.
Leah is at her best in the morning and afternoon. She loves to look around at people and objects, and loves to laugh when people smile at her, as you can see from her 3 month old photos which were taken today.
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